



  • 1. 用豐富色彩搭配中性色調:中性色調的辦公室裝扮為色彩繽紛的珠寶提供了優雅的背景。寶石耳環或色彩豐富的吊墜項鍊,如青金石或孔雀石,能夠為你的穿搭注入生氣,而不至於過於浮誇。

  • 2. 擁抱單色優雅:將珠寶與服裝主色調相配,打造出精緻的造型。與服裝相同色調的銀色或金色項鍊或耳環,打造出令人驚艷的整體造型。

  • 3. 對比的力量:對比色彩可以創造引人注目的視覺效果。對於偏冷色調的服裝,可以用蜜蜡石或琥珀等寶石加以溫暖。而偏暖色調的服裝則可搭配青金石或海洋玉等冷色調的珠寶。

  • 4. 注意膚色搭配:選擇能夠襯托你膚色的珠寶顏色。冷色調的金屬,如銀色,適合淺膚色,而金色或玫瑰金則能突顯暖色調膚色的光彩。

  • 5. 用多色飾品迎接多樣性:多色的珠寶,搭配各種不同的寶石,提供了多樣性的選擇,能夠輕鬆搭配不同顏色的服裝。

  • 6. 在保守環境中選擇低調的閃爍:在保守的辦公室環境中,選擇佩戴清晰的寶石或淡雅色彩的珠寶,如蛋白石,能夠增添精緻感,而不顯得過於炫目。



  • 透過Esterella的珠寶,不僅能提升你的專業形象,還能展現你獨特的風格。通過運用色彩,你可以打造出和諧迷人的辦公室造型,體現出自信和個性。探索珠寶色彩的世界,讓你的工作裝扮真正閃耀。記住,這不僅僅是你穿什麼,更是你如何穿,而有了Esterella的珠寶,你一定能留下難以忘懷的印象。


Esterella knows that jewelry is more than adornment; it's an expression of your style and personality. Elevating your professional look while showcasing individuality can be achieved by mastering the art of color in your jewelry choices. Here are some expert tips for styling your office attire with jewelry, focusing on the captivating world of colors.

1. Complement Neutrals with Vibrant Hues: Neutral office attire serves as an elegant backdrop for colorful jewelry. Gemstone earrings or a vibrant pendant necklace, like lapis lazuli or malachite, can infuse life into your outfit without overwhelming it.

2. Embrace Monochromatic Elegance: Matching jewelry to your outfit's dominant color creates a polished look. A sleek silver or gold necklace or earrings in the same shade as your clothing creates a stunning ensemble.

3. The Power of Contrast: Contrasting colors can create a captivating visual impact. For cool-toned outfits, warm them up with gemstones like citrine or amber. Warm-toned attire benefits from cool-hued jewelry like lapiz or ocean agate.

4. Be Mindful of Skin Tone: Choose jewelry colors that complement your skin tone. Cool-toned metals like silver suit fair complexions, while warmer skin tones shine with gold or rose gold.

5. Embrace Versatility with Multicolored Pieces: Multicolored jewelry, featuring a variety of gemstones, offers versatility, effortlessly matching different outfit colors.

6. Subtle Sparkle for Conservative Environments: In conservative offices, understated jewelry with clear gemstones or subtle hints of color, like opal, adds refinement without being overly flashy.

With Esterella, jewelry not only enhances your professional appearance but also reflects your unique style. By playing with colors, you can create a harmonious and captivating office look that embodies confidence and individuality. Explore the world of jewelry colors to make your work attire truly shine. Remember, it's not just about what you wear; it's about how you wear it, and with Esterella jewelry, you're sure to make a memorable impression.