
請通過 info@esterellaclassic.com 與我們聯繫,我們的訂制團隊將在1-3天內與您聯繫,討論細節。

隨著Esterella大家庭的擴大,我們積極尋找可靠的合作夥伴與我們攜手共進。對於與我們的設計有著共同信心的批發合作夥伴,我們誠摯邀請您通過 info@esterellaclassic.com 與我們聯繫,獲取更詳盡的信息,包括我們的經銷商計劃及品牌大使的細節。

感謝您考慮Esterella Classic。我們期待與您合作的機會。


We are pleased to offer our assistance in personalizing order. Our customization option begins with a minimum of 50 units per design, making it an ideal choice for corporate jewelry accessories or special event parties. Please contact us at info@esterellaclassic.com ,our personalization team will reach our to you within 1-3 days discussing the details. 

As we continue to expand the Esterella family, we actively seek reliable partners to join us on this journey. For our wholesale partners who share a mutual confidence in our designs, we invite you to reach out to us at info@esterellaclassic.com for more comprehensive information, including details about our reseller program.

Thank you for considering Esterella Classic. We look forward to the opportunity to collaborate with you.